Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Early days with triplets

It's been a crazy, wonderful, sleep deprived two weeks. We are on a 3-hour schedule with the girls, and it usually takes at least 90 minutes to get everyone fed, burped, diapered and back to bed at night. Often, one will wake up early, throwing our entire happy little "routine" for a loop. We respond by feeding the early waker a little more from that feeding onwards and it seems to get us all back on track for the next round. Well, sort of.

If there's a diaper blow-out, a diaper rash requiring special treatment, spit up, or some other baby funny business - affectionately called "Happy Hour" - then the feedings run into one another and there's no time for the adults to eat/shower/prep bottles, etc. Even with 4 adults on duty around the clock, it's been tough for me to pump uninterrupted for the amount of time I need.

What I've learned so far:

Even a tiny amount of spit-up has a cunning way of getting onto multiple layers of material: onesie, sleep & play clothes, swaddle blankets and crib sheet requiring a middle of the night overhaul.

To minimize the spit-up, we burp them really well and then keep the babies upright in our arms or in their Boppy pillows for 30-45 minutes after they've finished eating.

The girls make the cutest grunting, squeeking barnyard noises. I love listening to them.

One will be awake and start making these noises and suddenly the other two will start to chime in. I swear they're communicating this way and responding to one another because it sounds like a language with intonation, pauses and rhythm.

They make these once-off screaming crying-like sounds, but when I peek into the nursery, everyone's happily fast asleep. I swear they're doing it as a prank to keep the adults guessing.

When using a bulb syringe, make sure the booger is firmly inside it before squeezing out the air for a second goldmining expedition.

Boogers can fly a few feet when propelled by a bulb syringe.

Even preemies have the ability to projectile vomit and poop.

Our girls our burp as if they've enjoyed a few too many beers during the aforementioned "Happy Hour."

When bending down to get a closer look at a diaper rash, aim the baby away from you. (Don't ask. It was actually a pretty funny new mommy moment having to wipe splattered poop from my face.)

Sleeping when the babies sleep is near impossible. There's not enough time in between feedings and pumping to sleep, so the only way to survive is for the adults to take shifts.

More soon. I hear babies surfacing from slumber...


Kate said...

Sounds like you're doing well! Glad there's lots of help around.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh boy...
Sorry your having a rough time with scheduling. as an Old Mommy of 3 and Twins on the way, I promise you the scheduling will find its way into your life. It becomes a sanity desperation. and sometimes, letting a baby cry is just ok. No baby dies from crying.

Hope things get a little easier soon.

My Endo Journey said...

WOW. All that is making me tired just thinking about it! You are amazing! The girls are amazing!!! Keep on keeping on! This phase won't last forever!!! Thank goodness for your help!

Megs said...

Wow...glad to hear that things are going well with the girls so far :) It's great that you have extra help too! Sounds like you guys are getting into a nice little routine!!

Anonymous said...

Whew, that sounds exhausting! Glad to hear there are 4 of you to take shifts. Sounds like the girls are doing great though :)

BB said...

Looks like the girls are doing great! I wouldn't wanna say that you need 48 hours in a day to take care of all of them...cause that would just mean more of the 3 hours cycles! Thanks for sharing some of your experiences/tips!

Melissa G said...

Sounds magical. (Seriously) Congratulations mama!

Michele said...

Oh, I love the talking. Bobby and Maya are having a conversation right now! It is so wonderful to just be able to be an observer!

(And I agree- spit up has a way of getting over EVERYTHING!!! Bobby is in his 3rd outfit of the day!)

Anonymous said...

Ok, in about a month's time (unless you already have) you'll be able to take babies on expeditions in their Polar Express Pram! Even a walk around a mall....can be tiring but worth just remembering life outside of the house. Have a Korfie, often Malls have well equipped bathrooms for families.....and head home. Later you'll be able to have "dates" at home, rent movies, order in and set up a romantic corner for yourselves. New mommy-hood can be daunting....the first bouts of vomitting, diareah, fevers....however, once you've been through the drill once or twice, you'll have it least your threesome appear content and and strong!! Have you put them under their baby gyms yet? or any cause and effect props....that can be fascinating too....such small little people and yet they are exploring you and the world as much as you are becoming acquainted with them. Nice soft music in the background, nursery rhymes.....sounds like you are doing just fine. Last question: Have any of the girls done "fountain" pee's yet. Usually little boys do it, but oh, my Mielies has caught me out a couple of times.....fortunately not with poop though! Thinking of you lots! Hope you at least have Santa visit and get to enjoy some kinda Christmas dinner. Keep up the posts, missed them for 2 weeks but delighted to "hear" from you again today. Hugs and Love S

Anonymous said...

PS....You'll thought 30 lbs of clothes was a mountain....tee hee...that was from one you have more than one washing machine and dryer? Super -powered.......?

jenicini said...

Sounds crazy and glorious all at the same time. I have a big huge grin on my face after reading the adventures. :) Hang in there!