Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Snowbaby news on 4dp5dt

On the day of transfer, the RE said none of the 7 embies we had available were of good quality. I felt crushed and suddenly uncertain. He even used the word "lousy," which is now seared into my memory and making it increasingly difficult to remain hopeful about a positive outcome.

In his defense, he was trying to explain why he didn't want to give me the exact embryo grade and fragmentation report, which I still think is just BS. "I can tell you the quality is not good. But if I tell you they're lousy instead of saying they're beautiful embryos, you won't be able to stay positive." How patronizing. So, what was he saying? He'd rather lie to me so I can hold onto false hope? Ugh.

We decided to transfer 3, and he said they'd watch the other 4 to see if any could be cryopreserved. Tonight, we received a letter from the clinic informing us that one made it to freeze! We actually have a little snowbaby, frozen in time, and waiting for us to be ready if this cycle doesn't pan out.

2 of the 3 we transferred weren't blasts on day 5, so it has given me hope that they might just be up to the task of implanting.


Emmy said...

Hooray!! That is so great that one made it to freeze! Hopefully the ones inside are doing well too! s

Gift of Surrogacy said...

Gawd how nice of them to use such compassion in using words like lousy..

Great news on having a little snowbaby...

Wishing all the positives on this cycle...

With my last successful IVf we put in 3 5 dayers and 1 took.. my first positive was 4dp5dt.. He is one now...

Good Luck!!!

Meinsideout said...

Yay! That is great news for the ones in you - grow, babies, grow!

poppy.f.seed said...

that is wonderful news!!!

Anonymous said...

that's great news, hooray for the strong snowbaby and the three that are snuggling in! :D

Straubles said...

Come on little embies! And that's great you have one in the chiller. We were crushed when our RE told us our embryo quality was average/below average and none made it to the freezer. But he kept reminding us that all it takes is one good one embryo--it's true!!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope that one perfect little embie stays for good!

Chelle said...

I, too, had one to freeze! It is uncany how alike our cycles have been! I have been sick for most of the 2WW. It has sucked. I'll post about it soon.

Thinking of you!

theworms said...

Great news about the frosties. Praying your little embies are snuggling in nice and tight. GL

Kate said...

Ok then. First I want to kick that guy in the shin. That is a rotten attitude. Second, my RE said you cannot tell by looking how these little things will work out-- really- he's had success with every kind. So take heart! And honestly, you can get in touch with the embryologist if you need the grades. Or request it in writing. gosh darn that makes me mad.
OK then, feeling protective of you. Third and much more important, congratulations on your frozen embryo! That is great!